Sweet Rasa

Sweet Rasa (rasa being sanskrit for the nectar, the juice, the most essential part of anything) is the musical component of the Deborah Abel Dance Company. The entire ensemble is intimately engaged in the creation of each production. The music takes shape with the contribution of all the musicians, and in dialogue with the evolving choreography. An initial musical idea will spark the nascent choreography, which will in turn set the direction for the next turn in the music. The music and the dance challenge each other to reach for greater depth of human emotional and spiritual truth.
Sweet Rasa also performs independently of the dance company, and is available for house parties and other events.
Sweet Rasa's music of The Wild Divine and Calling To You: A Tale of Ancient Wisdom in the Modern World is now online!
Sweet Rasa recently produced the music of The Wild Divine. The recording of the album for The Wild Divine was funded in part by New England Foundation for the Arts' New England Dance Fund, with generous support from the Aliad Fund at the Boston Foundation.
The Sweet Rasa album from our dance and music concert Calling To You: A Tale of Ancient Wisdom in the Modern World is also available on iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, Amazon, and many other online music services!
Sweet Rasa is the music component of the company, directed by Lee Perlman.
Click Here to to listen to and learn more about Wild Divine (EP) and Calling To You: A Tale of Ancient Wisdom in the Modern World.